A WELFARE 2.0 project within everyone's reach

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Have you ever thought of public health services that you notice a clear distinction and division between the quality of the hospital service and the service of the territory? Yes? Well, this disconnection is a problem that is deeply felt today, especially in terms of and in the new frontier of those services that put the patient at the center.


It is necessary to make public structures and private structures communicate, especially by allowing the connection of data both in reading and in writing on the electronic health record. However, this is still not enough: there is no clear definition of the roles of the subjects involved in this healthcare process.


Let's try to think of the chronic patient: by their very nature these people need constant contact between the home and the hospital, but above all constant (and also necessary) contact between the hospital and the territory. Providing solutions that eliminate physical distances thanks to digital are enablers that allow you to reduce waiting times for access to a facility: everything is managed directly from your home. Obviously, in this process, the patient as an object assumes active functions in the management of the treatment of his disease: this process is called Patient Empowerment, and is a strategy that allows you to increase the well-being of the person by passing through health education. It is understood that the role of the national health service is fundamental: we do not want to leave the patient at home through technology, but we want to create a constant periodic connection between the territory and the hospital that allows an innovative management of the clinical process. Therefore, the idea of ​​a local hospital, with structures that allow it to be decentralized with respect to its physical location, allows us to guarantee:
patient constant contact with the clinic he is followed by; under control all patients, managing any alarm situations before they are transformed into an emergency access to the emergency room.

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This service can be carried out through Telemedicine solutions, rather than video consultation solutions directly to the person: this is the true innovation of the healthcare process. The evolution of health care therefore translates into a total sharing of data from various sources: this is the hospital's vision of the future.


Italy is a country that is aging: the average Italian age exceeds the European average by about 5% in relation to aging and it is well known that living longer is not synonymous with the quality of aging. Active senior citizens are very careful not to waste time: the most important thing they have. Wasting time on long waiting lists for access to retirement homes, private hospitals, or public services does not allow him to live his life with the well-being he expects. Being able to think that your home is the place where the waiting list begins allows you to activate the patient in a new Patient Engagement process. A new structure is therefore configured in the doctor-patient relationship:

The patient on the list at home has several systems available, different solutions that allow him to be in constant connection with the structure and therefore with the clinical operator, with the nurse, or with the doctor; in this way the patient is always under control and at the same time he is able to choose how to manage his health.

The doctor has the ability to analyze and manage all patient data directly within the solution and then check which ones need and urgency for preventive access to the facility. Furthermore, with telemedicine systems it is easy to verify the state of health of the patient's physiological parameters where they are collected from home, because these are packaged directly by the patient at home and through innovative and technological solutions. All these data are then verified within a portal because the patient waiting for access to a nursing home needs to be followed day after day by either a carer or a caregiver.

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Innovating does not mean inserting technology within the National Health Service but creating new operational processes for patient management TELESALUS 360 through the PHARMAMEDIC platform will be the first Italian welfare service center with strong development in the Certified Home Care Telemedicine sector.

Our service will be born with a social vocation and will focus on health and personal care, responding to a growing need for specialist consultations by the population, patients and their families, facilitating the connection between patients and doctors on a large scale. , and the sharing of good practices among doctors and health professionals themselves.

It will have as its mission to ensure patients access to a quality service and thus be able to improve and achieve optimal health, regardless of where they live, guaranteeing everyone the opportunity to find the right doctor for each individual case and to consult him from remote in a very short time.

TELESALUS 360 will be the first service center in Italy that will offer patients the opportunity to access teleconsultations and home visits through the use of Certified Devices for Telemedicine and Tele Reporting with costs accessible to all.

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In Italy, only 34.9% of citizens say they are satisfied with the national health services. The main criticality is represented by the very long waiting lists for health services. The latest Censis data explain that in the last year eleven million Italians have given up on therapies due to too long a time and the inability to pay for a private or intramural visit. Furthermore, there is also a strong dissatisfaction with the long waiting times to obtain the report once the visit or exam has been made. These long waiting times lead the citizen to rely on the care of private doctors rather than public service. Only 35% of citizens turn to the public service, while the majority (60%) also attend private offices and clinics. There is also a 5% minority who only use private services.

The average waiting times for visits and diagnostic tests go well beyond the thirty and sixty days provided for in the plan of the Ministry of Health implemented by the Regions and still in force (link Annex). In reality it takes thirteen months to wait for an MRI or a psychiatric visit, one year for a mammogram or a CT scan, nine months for an ultrasound or for an eye check, seven for an X-ray, eight for an appointment with the cardiologist, six to be received by an oncologist or an orthopedist. Such long waiting times are unacceptable because they risk compromising the very meaning of prevention and timely diagnosis.

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Our assistance system will allow doctors, health professionals to have continuous contact with the sick at home, to quickly adapt therapies without moving the patient and above all to reduce hospital admissions.

Patients will be provided with a tablet through which they will contact health professionals, send their vital signs and, if necessary, even photos of their physical condition. The patient requesting assistance will touch a single button and start the call. He will not dial any telephone number of the doctor / operator on duty, but will activate an autonomous call system according to a predetermined hierarchy, contacting the telephones of the operators on duty in that time slot. The teleconsultation (video call) is not activated by the patient, but by the operator based on the patient's request. Thanks to the visit via teleconsultation, it is therefore possible to promptly intervene to assist the patient, even remotely, in real time, effectively reducing access to the emergency room and inappropriate home visits.

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Sanità360 has developed a technological platform that provides software solutions capable of responding to the needs of public and private health, home-care and wellness


The patient's bio-medical measurements are acquired using wireless medical devices according to a monitoring plan established by the medical team.


It allows to carry out medical examinations remotely, via audio video conference, in the event that the patient is unable to reach the specialist doctor or vice versa


It consists in the possibility for doctors, located in remote locations between them, to evaluate a particular clinical case by analyzing the greatest possible amount of information available to them on the basis of specific know-how

ECG (12 channels)

It is an exam that graphically reproduces the electrical activity of the heart during its operation.

Suitable for Adults and Children:

  • For inspection of heart patients
  • For patients with symptoms of cardiovascular disease
  • For patients under control of cardiovascular therapies
  • For prevention
  • For patients at risk of: Diabetes, Hypertension, etc.
  • For non-competitive sports activities
  • For occupational medicine
Records the electrical activity of the heart over 24 hours.

Suitable for Adults and Children:

  • For patients on antiarrhythmic therapy
  • For more in-depth heart checks
  • For evaluations in the presence of arrhythmias
  • For prevention
Records blood pressure over 24 hours.

Suitable for adults and children

  • To evaluate the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapies
  • For monitoring patients in the presence of stress, kidney disease, obeseity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension

Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia with an incidence between 0.4 - 1% in the population.

The number of FA patients is estimated to grow dramatically during this decade.

What are the causes?

  • Age (the risk increases with aging)
  • Heart disease (previous heart attack, heart failure, etc.)
  • Hypertension
  • Extra-cardiac (pulmonary thyroid) diseases
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Family history (rarely)
Assess the mineral density of your bones.

The service is useful for:

  • For the prevention of osteoporosis (present in: 1 woman every 3 and 1 man every 8)
  • To decrease the risk of fractures
  • For control of menopause
  • For inspection on diabetic patients
  • On people with food shortages
  • People under cortisone therapy
  • Family causes
  • Smokers

It allows to evaluate the quality of the foot support on the ground in a static or dynamic way

Static: detects the pressure on the foot when standing

Dynamics: detects the pressure on the foot in motion

Suitable for Adults and Children:

  • For patients with back pain, cervical pain, dizziness, breathlessness.
  • For patients with dental arch problems
  • For the control of skeletal development in children
  • Custom-made insoles

It is a non-invasive examination, which allows a thorough evaluation of the skin.

The service is useful for:

  • To evaluate skin spots, moles, nevi
  • Prevention of the onset of skin melanomas
  • To evaluate skin alterations such as: redness, couperose, dermatitis
  • For checks on mappings and evaluating their evolutions