Each Pharmamedic service.
Activate a
and build with us the largest healthcare circuit in Italy.

Do you have an unused small commercial space?
A large clinic already started?
Why not make them becomeSERVICE POINT INTROSALUS (SPI) to deliver healthcare services effectively and to promote and sell your healthcare products and coupons?

Let's work together
for the well-being of your community
and to make health care
more accessible to all.
We are constantly working with health professionals and health professionals to make our vision a reality and to help make health care more affordable for all!
enjoys the exclusive management of the PHARMAMEDIC TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORM for home health care throughout the Italian territory.
Basically, by activating a SERVICE POINT INTROSALUS (SPI) can
register Health Facilities:
And you can also register all healthcare professionals:
The same become part of the
becoming more visible on the
and be bookable
from all our terminals in Italy.
One SPI can sell:
All products published on Pharmamedic, also on behalf of the customers of its own SPI
with a personalized delivery based on the needs of the same.
All coupons published on Pharmamedic.
All books published on Pharmamedic.
The Pharmamedic Premier Card (with many types of services included, such as
for example, the Telemedicine service, as well as the Veterinary Assistance Service, or even Insurance Policies with super discounted prices).
Monetize, in real time, in your ELECTRONIC WALLET,
all coupons that any user presents.
Receive payments or donations in Euros or Crypto Coins such as
bitcoin or the Pharmamedic iCashweb circuit coin.
All convertible in real time in Euro!
Additionally, an SPI can:
Sell i own products (belonging to the health sector)
Propose i own services (for example it can become a medical, nursing, or other professions always in the health sector)
Publish and sell your ownCoupons.
It can do too fundraiser for the INTROSALUS ONLUS.
Publish your website to a local drive, FTP or host on Amazon S3, Google Cloud, Github Pages. Don't be a hostage to just one platform or service provider.
Just drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.
Create your sanitary circuitwith new technologies at your disposal.
Do you think this cannot be possible?